Thursday, August 6, 2009

Seitan Shawarma

1 lb seitan, cut into squares
1 onion, sliced
1/2 tbsp turmeric
1/2 tsp coriander
1/2 tsp cumin
black pepper, cayenne, salt
4 tbsp olive oil
4 pita bread
pickles, sliced

Israeli (Palestinian?) salad:
green onions
olive oil
lemon juice

Tahini sauce:
1/2 cup tahini
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup hot water

Make the salad and tahini sauce ahead of time and chill.

Mix the spices. Combine the seitan and onion slices in a large bowl and sprinkle the spice mixture over them. Add 3 tbs of the olive oil and mix it all together. Grill the seitan and onions in a little bit of oil until browned. Grill the pita bread to give it grill marks and pile everything on top of it.

Adapted from epicurious

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Bean Burger

There are plenty of good veggie burger recipes out there and I have no reason to believe that this one is the best, but it's the one I ended up trying first. It's pretty easy to make and doesn't have any weird veggie ingredients (except egg replacer). I left out the oats, which might explain why mine were sort of flimsy. Next time I'll try adding some kind of grain to see if that helps. Also, real eggs probably do a better job of binding than egg replacer. I doubled the recipe so I wouldn't have any leftover beans (I left out the black beans) and froze the extras. They tasted just as good defrosted but seemed to fall apart more.
